Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Nancy Battle writes:

Chick Fil-A, Hobby Lobby, Paula Deen, the Boy Scouts... are we beginning to see a pattern here?

If not, we SHOULD be!  This is the Alinsky-ites' modus operandi, folks... these are NOT separate,  unconnected, and coincidental incidents.  You'd better believe Valerie Jarrett and Eric Holder have a whole long list of Christian-owned businesses they mean to pick off. Keep your eyes open for the next victim of discreditation, because that's exactly what the Paula Deen affair is, what the others have been, and what the next ones will be, too. 

Remember, by Alinsky's rules, you isolate, discredit, and marginalize the enemy. Helloooooo....


Dear Conservatives,

Most people didn't know who the Rwandans were until 800,000 had been killed. Now, the fate of the Rohingya people of Burma is hanging by a thread as mobs attack them while the police look on. The Burmese President could stop the violence - all he has to do is approve a plan to protect them and ensure it is enforced, while granting them citizenship. Let’s appeal to European leaders to press him when he visits them in days, and stop the next Rwanda:
Most people didn't know who the Rwandans were until it was too late, and 800,000 of them were dead. Right now, the fate of Burma's Rohingya people is hanging by a thread. Racist thugs have distributed leaflets threatening to wipe out this small Burmese minority. Already children have been hacked to death and unspeakable murders committed. All signs are pointing to a coming horror, unless we act.

Genocides happen because we don't get concerned enough until the crime is committed. The Rohingya are a peaceful and very poor people. They're hated because their skin is darker and the majority fear they’re 'taking jobs away'. There are 800,000 of them, and they could be gone if we don't act. We've failed too many peoples, let's not fail the Rohingya.

Burmese President Thein Sein has the power, personnel and resources to protect the Rohingya, all he has to do is give the word to make it happen. In days, he’ll arrive in Europe to sell his country’s new openness to trade. If EU leaders greet him with a strong request to protect the Rohingya, he’s likely to do it. Let’s get 1 million voices and plaster images of what’s happening in Burma outside his meetings with key EU heads of state:



The Law a Train Wreck, Obama Administration Acknowledges ObamaCare is Unworkable
WASHINGTON, DC - House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement after the Obama administration announced it would delay implementation of a central component of ObamaCare:
"The president's health care law is already raising costs and costing jobs. This announcement means even the Obama administration knows the 'train wreck' will only get worse. I hope the administration recognizes the need to release American families from the mandates of this law as well. This is a clear acknowledgment that the law is unworkable, and it underscores the need to repeal the law and replace it with effective, patient-centered reforms."

CHUCK KOLB 07/02/2013

A greater part of intelligence analysis is deciphering the information from the disinformation, this is under the guises of tradecraft.

Here we have an eternally separated from God Almighty inter-dimensional enemy named Lucifer - Beelzebub.  Need I say more?

Remember, we are to be that clay in the Master potter's hands.  We are to run the race to win ... our commission,
to share the good news of Jesus, Our Lord.  To pray without ceasing.  In other words to take every thought to the Lord before engaging
our tongue, our heart.  Every time we don't, we find ourselves in sin (regardless of the magnitude of our disobedience) - the old man lingers on. 
So there we are - we must hold steadfast in the Lord. 
Jesus teaches to address the sin and embrace the sinner. NeoLibs/Cons teach to embrace the sin and applaud the sinner. 
This is the bottom
line of the divisiveness on Earth at this very moment and will contine on until the Rapture and for those
left behind to the final battle of Armeggedon.

Godspeed as God is with Us !


Submitted by: Nancy Battle

Britain denying admission to both Jews as well as any that have visited Israel? 


CLASHDAILY 07/02/2013

VERY GRAPHIC: Syrian “Rebels” Beheads Bishop François Murad This video shows Syrian rebels slaughtering three people in the countryside of Edlib, including the Metropolitan “François Murad”, who was patron of Sumaan al-Amoudi Monastery, under the charge of dealing with the government ... READ MORE 

When It Comes to Syria — President Obama is a War Criminal By now it has become glaringly obvious that the Syrian rebels are an Islamic medley of murderous thugs bent on eradicating Christians from Syria. These soulless mutts are following the bloody paradigm set by the [...] ... READ MORE  


Kerry, Obama support “Historic” U.N. Treaty
Barack Obama is the most anti-gun president in American history. Not only has he continually urged Congress to craft legislation to disarm us and destroy our Second Amendment rights, he has also done - and is doing - everything he can to achieve the same ends on his own without Congress. Just last week, a report noted that Obama’s “paper gun control” agenda via the Centers for Disease Control will soon begin to take place, fulfilling yet another one of his twenty-three anti-gun “Executive Actions.”

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Dallas congregation cheers Cruz proposal to abolish IRS
On Sunday, Senator Ted Cruz spoke at Dallas’ First Baptist church and recieved a standing ovation after calling for the abolition of the Internal Revnue Service. WFAA News reports that Sen. Cruz, a Baptist himself, was invited to speak at the church’s “Faith in America Today” sermon series.

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RIGHT WING NEWS 07/02/2013

20 Signs America is in Decline -- John Hawkins
Those who attack American culture and tradition should recall that historically, freedom and prosperity are the aberrations, not servitude and poverty. Our nation’s success is not a happy accident or part of a natural, unstoppable progression that can’t be changed. Nothing could be more foolish than...

Played Out: the Liberal Racists’ “Uncle Tom” Card  -- Michelle Malkin

Meet Ryan Patrick Winkler. He’s a 37-year-old liberal Minnesota state legislator with a B.A. in history from Harvard University and a J.D. from the University of Minnesota Law School. He’s also a coward, a bigot, a liar and a textbook example of plantation progressivism. On Tuesday, Winkler took to Twitter to rant about the Supreme Court’s decision...


Dear Conservatives,

IRS abuse of political enemies. Massive spying on American citizens. Cover-ups in the deaths of Americans in Benghazi.

Barack Obama is awash in political scandals.

Yet what are Washington insiders talking about?

Finding someone to bailout President Obama's failed anti-gun agenda

They're even saying that your U.S. Senator, Dean Heller, could be the key to making it happen.

Is Senator Dean Heller planning to advance the scandal-ridden administration's efforts to abuse the rights of Americans by supporting the next wave of anti-gun legislation?

I hope not.

But recent reports have me very worried that Senator Heller might be the next to jump ship and sell you out.


Submitted by: Lady E




Submitted by: Suzanne


Obamacare Regulation Effectively Bars Catholics from Owning Health Insurance Companies

July 2, 2013 - 4:39 AM
Pope John Paul II reiterated the Catholic teaching that abortion is murder and Catholics cannot cooperate in it in his 1995 encyclical letter Evangelium Vitae. (AP Photo/Plinio Lepri)
(CNSNews.com) - The final version of Obamacare’s “preventive services” regulation that the Department of Health and Human Services published on Friday discriminates against faithful members of the Roman Catholic Church by effectively barring them from owning and operating health-insurance companies.


Video: The Best Pro-2nd Amendment Speech Ever

Jul 02, 2013 01:57 pm


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A Simple Solution To The Obama Problem

Jul 02, 2013 01:52 pm

The nature of the problem Benghazi: Obama, Clinton, Panetta, and the rest made political decisions when duty demanded they make military decisions. They neglected duty, preferring personal ambition; and for this, they are rightly condemned. In Benghazi, good Americans died because… Continue to Post

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The Mindset of the Left. By Thomas Sowell
Excerpt: When teenage thugs are called "troubled youth" by people on the political left, that tells us more about the mindset of the left than about these young hoodlums. Seldom is there a speck of evidence that the thugs are troubled, and often there is ample evidence that they are in fact enjoying themselves, as they create trouble and dangers for others.

From Jonah Goldberg, The Goldberg File
Speaking of the correct orientation of planets, I'm reminded of one of my favorite Al Gore anecdotes. In 1998, the Washington Post ran a picture of Earth from space. I can't remember why, but I think it was a picture from the international space station. The picture infuriated then-vice president Gore. He called the Post's executive editor to tip him off about the "error." "I decided I just had to call because you've printed a picture of the Earth upside-down." It didn't occur to Gore that, from space, there is no upside down.

Obama's Climate Joke About A 'Flat Earth Society' Actually Referenced A Real Group
Excerpt: For what it's worth, the Flat Earth Society doesn't have an 'official' position on climate change.  That falls a bit outside our remit.  Personally, though, I believe the evidence available does support the position that climate change is at least partially influenced by human industrialisation.  So if President Obama wants to reference people that actively deny anthropogenic climate change, he'd probably be better served by citing groups like the American Enterprise Institute rather than the Flat Earth Society.

COWBOYBYTE 07/02/2013

Snowden seeks asylum in Russia

Edward Snowden reportedly sought asylum in Russia on Monday amid signs the U.S. and Russia were looking for a way to end the standoff over the 30-year-old leaker of U.S. security secrets. Fox News reported Snowden’s request for asylum was … Continue reading

Top Cowboy Headlines


** Special Subscriber Alert ***
Are You Prepared For What The Wall Street Journal Calls "The LargestNatural-Disaster Scenario The Nation Could Face"?
Did you know that a solar storm in 1921 knocked the entire national telegraph system completely offline?

Or that a relatively minor solar storm in 1989 caused an enormous blackout in Quebec?

Scary stuff. And here's more bad news...

Experts are predicting that solar storm eruptions will get really bad over the next couple of months and many are warning that our electric grid is extremely vulnerable.

Yes, a solar storm could knock your lights out ANY TIME in the next few months.


Submitted by: Nancy Battle


Infuriated Egyptian TV host resigns on air over Muslim Brotherhood censorship of his show

Obama frantically trying to finagle an executive order that will give the FCC the power to do the same.


JIHAD WATCH 07/02/2013

Jul 01, 2013 04:14 pm | Robert
Sign the petition to reverse the decision to ban Pamela Geller and me from the UK here. In PJ Lifestyle today I show that the situation in Britain really isn't as bad as some people are saying: When he learned that Pamela Geller and I had been banned from entering...

Jul 01, 2013 03:41 pm | Robert
Why indeed? "Syrian Christians: 'Why Is America at War with Us,'" from CBNNews.com, June 27: Syrian Christians are asking why the United States supports extremists who want to turn Syria into an Islamic state. That testimony came during a congressional hearing on Syria's religious minorities Tuesday. Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J.,...


Submitted by: BobJen
To: The National MiddleClass Network...These columns are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides.
Btw, we have IP issues. So, to be removed, just ask. So far, those so requesting is virtually zero. Thanks.
"You can not let any of your people avoid the brutal facts. If they start living in a dream world. it's going to be bad."...SO..."Fight with a happy heart and strong spirit".- General James Mattis, USMC,
From: John..."Put these NewsBriefers in a folder and use them against the enemy or training, as needed".
PLEASE Click "FORWARD", scroll down and SCAN the columns first to verify a complete edition (about 20 top selecteds).
National MiddleClass Network DAILY NewsBriefer - 7-2-13
* This is a "DAILY" Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T see one DAILY, say something", PLEASE. THX.  

Folks, this is another of the most expansive NewsBriefers yet. Every column is "NOW" crucial. Please at least scan each one. THX. 
Comment: Many are already emailing us saying this is outright treason. Still, many say the REAL TREASON is by the RINO-"republican"-New World Order Party which is spitting on their Oath of Office, The Pledge of Alliegiance, The Constitution and their proper constituents by totally dissing any semblance of checks and balances..their "job" . It's their "in cahootsness" that is the real tyranny.
From: CommieBlaster
Communist Russian Forces to Provide “Security” At U.S. Events ...OPEN TREASON!
Our related send to a known Patriot.....On Friday, June 28, 2013, bobjen3 wrote:
.....Let's be clear..."people" are only now, out of desperation, starting to realize that "they, the people" are fighting the elitist rats...the republicans/RINOs-Lefties (whom I think are really behind it all...because there are NO checks and balances...and GB1 was the first one I ever heard say, "New World Order" in public), the dems/Lefties, The Crporatists (cheap labor and wiping out the middle class), The NWOists (wiping out the borders, creating thusly the NAU and don't forget GB2's "Prosperity Agreement" whereby foreign troops (Canada and Mexico and others) can come in here to "quell civil unrest", The Media, Exploding taxes on everything....ALL under the auspices of the UN trash.
    Now, did you or anyone really think that all of these high-powered people were going to roll over because some peasant middleclass Americans are against them??? What do you think the Founding Fathers were up against??? This is big time stuff...for all the marbles.  And the weak link is the republicans/base...who need to be pressured, daily, even in person with daily protests.


Submitted by: Tony Caputo
Republicans use 'war on coal' charge to tarnish Dems ahead of elections
Published July 01, 2013
  • http://global.fncstatic.com/static/v/all/img/vp-overlay-118.pnghttp://global.fncstatic.com/static/managed/img/fn2/video/070113_ff_caolwar_640.jpg
Foes of President Obama's alleged "war on coal" climate plan are hoping to use the combustible issue to tarnish Democrats in the next round of elections. 
The political backlash started almost immediately after the president announced last week he's ordering the EPA to draft new rules to limit emissions at coal-fired power plants. 
In Virginia, it didn't take long for Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli to label the plan the "Obama-Biden-McAuliffe war on coal," in his race for governor against former Democratic Party chairman Terry McAuliffe.

RedState Briefing 07/02/2013

Morning Briefing
For July 2, 2013

1.  Our President Needs a Science Lesson
Of his new plan to address climate change, President Obama says:

"This plan will cut the dangerous carbon pollution that contributes to climate change. For years, groups like the American Lung Association have warned us that carbon pollution threatens our health and the air our children breathe. We limit the mercury, sulfur, and arsenic in our air and water, but today, there are no federal limits on the amount of carbon pollution that power plants can pump into the air. That’s not safe. So we’ll work with states and businesses to set new standards that put an end to this limitless dumping of carbon."

Apparently our President choomed his way through high school science class . . . please click here for the rest of the post