Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Submitted by: BobJen
To: The NationalMiddleClass Network & TeaParties...These columns  are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides. So, please keep the feedback coming. Thanks. Also, as many know, we are having IP issues. So, if you've received this NewsMail in error or wish to be removed, please let us know. So far, those so requesting since this inception is virtually zero. Thanks again
National MiddleClass Network NewsBriefer    
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860) 

From: Sher       From: Carmel Miller
Young journalists blowing the whistle on White House Press People
A group of journalists are speaking out regarding their treatment by White House press people. Their new boldness comes in the wake of reportedly being called foul names, among them “b***h”, “c**t” and “a**hole.”
Their new outspoken behavior was sparked by Bob Woodward’s recent op-Ed on President Barack Obama in The Washington Post where he said the administration was “moving the goalposts” the night before the sequester went into effect.   LINK

Comment: Now, how did they determine where he was birn" What "proof" did they need to see?
Court Rules Foreign-Born Hassan Not Natural Born Citizen: 14th Did Not Repeal Article II   Appeals Court Rules Foreign-Born Hassan Not Natural  Born Citizen: 14th Amendment Did Not Repeal Article IIFROM THE ORDER:To the extent appellant maintains that Article II,...

Motion Filed: Florida Obama Eligibility Challenge; Chief Elections Officer Violated Federal Law   New Motion Filed: Florida Obama Eligibility Challenge; FL  Chief Elections Officer Ken Detzner Violated Federal LawUPDATE VIA GEORGE MILLER @ OBC: This case is still grinding along,..


Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
Yesterday marked the six-month anniversary of the attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, and wounded an undisclosed additional number of Americans.  
The number of those wounded is not publicly known because the State Department will not release the names, numbers, or current locations of the survivors. 
Commemorating the anniversary, Representative Frank Wolf (R-VA), a champion in pushing for an investigation into the Benghazi attacks, released this very telling statement…  
“Six months later, none of the terrorists involved in the attack are in U.S. or foreign detention. The FBI has only had access to a single suspect for a mere three hours, after waiting for months.  The FBI is being denied access to another person of interest in Egypt.
Six months later, none of the survivors have been identified or questioned by Congress about the attack or credited for their heroism.  We don’t know their names, conditions, or stories.  
Six months later, not a single American official has been held accountable or lost their job over the inadequate consulate security, intelligence failures, or the administration’s abysmal response during the terrorist attack. 


Dear Conservatives,

We have a test case in Oklahoma that is providing a roadmap for the rest of the nation.

Pro-life Oklahoma legislators have found a way that promises to stop the Obama administration from forcing taxpayer funding of abortion down your throats.

As you know, there has been tons of controversy as to the real financial cost of ObamaCare -- both to individual citizens and the nation's economy.

But the one thing that is clear is that federal funding of abortion is so ingrained in multiple places in the law is that the only way to end that funding is to kill ObamaCare and let the Congress start over fresh.

And the good news is there is now legislation in Oklahoma that will do just that.

You see, when the Supreme Court came down with their decision on ObamaCare, they made a key ruling. 


Submitted by: Patricia E Jackson
Founded By Geniuses And Run By Idiots

Originally posted at Monty Pelerin's World blog,

H. L. Mencken correctly observed:
Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man. There has never been a really good one, and even those that are most tolerable are arbitrary, cruel, grasping and unintelligent.
Food for thought…
If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in the country illegally… you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
  • If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion… you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.



Ted Cruz and the Senate All-Stars need your help! Last week Rand Paul shocked the establishment by standing up and fighting for the constitution in his historical filibuster that lasted 13 hours! This week, the Senate will likely vote on a Continuing Resolution to fund the government for the remainder of the fiscal year. Ted Cruz is going to try to put forth an amendment to defund Obamacare. Harry Reid will likely do everything he can to stop!

This is where you come in. Help us continue to shock the establishment. Call your Senators today to demand they defund Obamacare!


March 11, 2013
From the Desk of:
Steve Elliott, Grassfire
I have a special message -- and a personal request -- for every Grassfire team member. But first, let me explain why I'm writing. --Steve


What Barack Obama did on January 18 marked a fundamental shift in American politics.

And if we don't respond, it could mark the beginning of another decade or more of Obama-dominated political leadership.

What Obama did on January 18 has the potential to extend his influence far beyond 2016. And it marks the day that the Obama agenda came full circle.
For Obama, this never really was about the White House. He always had a much bigger vision -- a vision of using his community organizing skills to restructure even our how political debates take place. It's happening right now, but on January 18, a major shift took place.
+ + From "America" To "Action"


Submitted by: Sandra
Fellow Patriots!

Perhaps, you may have already read the below article, if not, I urge you all to please invest the few minutes to read the below. This is a long article, but well worth the read and describes in clear detail the most dangerous man on the planet...................God help us all.

Steve Kroft (born August 22, 1945) is an American journalist and a longtime correspondent for "60 Minutes". His investigative reporting has garnered him much acclaim, including three Peabody Awards and nine Emmy awards, one of which was an Emmy for Lifetime Achievement
You can understand what is happening to our America after reading this.
May God have mercy upon our nation.

One Evil Human
We have been developing material to show all the ties that Soros has through the nation and world along with his goals. This article is written by Steve Kroft from "60 Minutes". It begins to piece together the rise of Obama and his behavior in leading the nation along with many members of Congress (in particular the Democrats, such as the election of Pelosi as the minority leader in Congress).


The world, as you know it, won't be the same. Something unseen in the last 60 years is already happening and it will affect you and your family in an unimaginable way.
The president and the government know about it but they keep it quiet. Revealing it on TV would generate mass chaos and riots, but still, I think you have the right to
know it.
Here's the video report that has given me nightmares for the last 3 nights:
God bless you,
Alec Deacon
P.S. - From what I know the video will be taken down in 48 hours. You'd better check it out now:


Dear Conservatives, 

The Senate is set to vote as early as tomorrow on another budget-busting, status quo-empowering bill to bury our nation even deeper in debt. 

Your help is urgently needed, and here’s why. 

This week, the Senate could pass a Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the government through September. 

As you may know, while Senator Paul was making his stand for freedom last Wednesday, the U.S. House was busy making its own stand for Big Government – ramming through a CR that included funding to impose ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank on the American people

Of course, it almost goes without saying these days that Congress’ funding plan doesn’t cut a penny of actual spending.

It’s obvious our legislators still have some wax to clear out of their ears when it comes to this issue. 

So it’s vital you send a loud-and-clear message by calling your senators and filling out your “Real Cuts, Right Now” petition if you haven’t yet signed it.



Below is a direct link to SB 221:
Below is your link to give to opinion to lawmakers on SB 221:
SB221, Senator Jones's bill on mental health and other circumstances that should apply gun control on the citizens of Nevada will be heard Thursday, March 14th at 3:30PM in Senate Health and Human Services Carson Room 2149 and webcast to Vegas-Grant Sawyer Room 4412E.  

Please attend to testify if you can, if not please state your opinion at the above link or to the email addresses below.
Address your email correspondence to:

Chairman Jones and members of the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
Chair: Justin C. Jones Justin.Jones@sen.state.nv.us
Vice-Chair: Debbie Smith Debbie.Smith@sen.state.nv.us
Member: Tick Segerblom tsegerblom@sen.state.nv.us
Member: Joseph P. Hardy Joe.Hardy@sen.state.nv.us
Member: Ben Kieckhefer Ben.Kieckhefer@sen.state.nv.us
Your donations keep the CCRP going strong!


Video: Obama Lets China Steal Top Secret NASA Technology

Mar 12, 2013 01:34 pm

At 2 a.m, on June 17, 1972, five men dressed in business suits and wearing surgical gloves were in the process of bugging the Democratic headquarters at the Watergate office complex. Caught in the act, they were later identified as Nixon’s “Plumbers,” part of a nationwide operation to ensure Nixon’s reelection that included wiretapping, burglary, [...]

Watch the Video and Comment: Video: Obama Lets China Steal Top Secret NASA Technology

Are Liberals/Democrats Demonstrably Mentally Ill?

Mar 12, 2013 01:26 pm

We have heard liberalism (aka Democrat-ism) described as a mental illness. A little research seems to prove this observation. You need not be a goateed psychiatrist with a German accent to conclude liberals/Democrats are anti-social misfits. See for yourself; see how well liberalism/Democrat-ism fits into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) criteria for  identifying the [...]

Read More and Comment: Are Liberals/Democrats Demonstrably Mentally Ill?


Submitted by: BobJen
To: The NationalMiddleClass Network & TeaParties...These columns  are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides. So, please keep the feedback coming. Thanks. Also, as many know, we are having IP issues. So, if you've received this NewsMail in error or wish to be removed, please let us know. So far, those so requesting since this inception is virtually zero. Thanks again
National MiddleClass Network NewsBriefer    
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860) 

Comment: The "story" says it's for the 11 million illegal immigrants. That must be a typo for 22 or 33 million illegal immigrants.  11 milllion would likely barely cover NY alone. Hogwash right on down the line.
Senators reach citizenship deal
A Reader's Reply to Byron York (And his tons of "generalities".  He also said there is no question that Rubio is "nbc" being USA born) Below:
"Mr. York the U.S. Constitution is not a dictionary. Irrefutable facts about "natural born Citizen"here and here."   As SatinDoll points out at Free Republic: Three types of citizenship are recognized by our government: native born; naturalized; and citizen-by-statute (derived citizenship from parents). All have equal rights. All can serve in Congress, either as a Representative in the House, or as a Senator in the Senate. The following link will take you to the government’s own Immigration Service web page describing the three types of citizenship. More below York's comment.... www.obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2013/03/byron-york-declares-ted-cruz-natural-born-citizen.html    
Reply is to this:


Submitted by: Lady Byrd
Jonathan Cahn Issues National Wake-Up Call 
What could an ancient mystery more than 2,500 years old mean to the future of your ministry? To understand its relevance for today, let me set the stage and go back to the last days of ancient Israel.
Before Israel’s destruction as a nation, nine harbingers appeared—nine warnings of destruction in a biblical template of national judgment. These same nine harbingers of judgment are now reappearing in modern America in specific detail. Some have appeared in New York City, some in Washington D.C., some have involved the highest leaders of the land, even the president of the United States. The manifestations of the harbingers involve such things as the Stone of Judgment, the Sign of the Sycamore, the Tower, the Utterance, the Prophecy and more.


Submitted by: Tony Caputo
Cincinnati poll worker charged with voting half dozen times in November
Published March 11, 2013

She admitted voting twice in the presidential election last November, and now, Obama supporter Melowese Richardson has been indicted for allegedly voting at least six times. She also is charged with illegal voting in 2008 and 2011.
The 58-year-old veteran Cincinnati poll worker, indicted Monday, faces eight counts of voter fraud. Two others, one of whom is a nun, have been charged separately.
Richardson had admitted on camera to a local TV station, "Yes, I voted twice," claiming she was concerned that her vote would not count. She also said there "was no intent on my part to commit any voter fraud."
"I'll fight it for Mr. Obama and Mr. Obama's right to sit as president of the United States," she proclaimed in the interview.
Officials charged that she voted in her own name by absentee ballot and also in person at the polls, but Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney Joseph Deters said she also is charged with voting in the name of five other people in various elections.

RedState Briefing 03/12/2013

Morning Briefing
For March 12, 2013
1.  Fight Club vs. the Weenie Brigade
Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ) is doing what needs to be done in the House. He is proposing voting against all rules for legislation that increase the size of government or have a majority of Republicans opposing the underlying legislation. “Rules” are the instructions dictating how much time will be spent on debate of legislation, how many amendments can be offered, etc. The minority party typically votes against the rules, which means if enough conservatives also vote against the rules, the underlying legislation can either be killed or opened to lots of amendments.
This is a needed and worthy goal that I have been calling for, for some time. Rep. Dave Schweikert (R-AZ) is joining Rep. Salmon in this.
I hope you will consider calling their offices and thanking them. Let them know you support them. You can reach Rep. Salmon’s office here and reach Rep. Schweikert’s office here. Tell them thank you. Maybe if they hear from enough of you other congressmen will know it is safe to join them.
These gentlemen and the conservative fight club in the House stand in stark contrast to the weenie brigade lording over the GOP in Congress.
Byron York has a piece at the Washington Examiner that exposes just how timid  some of the Republicans are becoming.


Submitted by: Donald Hank

  1. In a new study published by the Institute of Economic Affairs in London, Euro Puppets: The European Commission's remaking of civil society, Christopher Snowdon shows how European taxpayers finance organisations which campaign for EU institutions to be given more money and power. Such institutions are typically charities and the flow of funds in such a circular political dance is typical of corporatist organisations. The EU Commission even admits that its funding for these pseudo charities are designed to "promote policy development"

  3. As the State and corporate bodies become more powerful at the expense of individuals, families and democrats even the word "Charity" no longer has its original meaning. A Charity used to be a non-profit making organisation to which individuals would voluntarily give money for good causes.