Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
Israel is in the crosshairs of radical members of the international community – and the Obama administration has just added fuel to the fire.  Please see my important update below – Mat.

The U.N. decision to grant the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) “non-member observer” status has caused a tremendous stir in the international community – especially among the nations who are opposed to Israel’s very existence.

Simply stated, the U.N. vote has stirred up Islamic radicals around the world.

On Sunday, in a victory speech to the Palestinian nation, Chairman Mahmoud Abbas vowed that the P.A. flag would fly over “Jerusalem, eternal capital of the state of Palestine.”

Adding fuel to the fire is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who this weekend criticized Israelis for “missed [peace] opportunities… lack of generosity…and lack of empathy… in ‘understanding the pain of an oppressed people.’”

Secretary Clinton, is this the core of the United States policy toward Israel… to be “generous and understanding” toward the terrorist bullies who just days ago were raining terror on Israeli population centers… whose goal is to initially divide Israel’s capital city and later take it all… who deny Israel’s very right to exist… and would love nothing more than to annihilate every living Israeli citizen?

Secretary Clinton also stated, “…without peace, the inexorable math of demographics will one day force Israelis to choose between preserving their democracy and remaining a Jewish homeland.”

In other words, radical Islam – the sworn enemy of Jewish Zionism – is now gathering on all sides of this tiny nation and will eventually make Israel completely indefensible.

Secretary Clinton also accused Israeli leaders of setting back the cause of a negotiated peace by approving construction permits in the nation’s allegedly “disputed” regions – Jerusalem and the West Bank.  After several such devastatingly critical remarks about Israel, she made an obligatory statement or two that the United States considers Israel a friend.

Really, Madame Secretary?

These warnings by Secretary Clinton follow President Obama’s policies that have helped dramatically advance radical Islam in the region. As I have noted before, President Obama cannot have it both ways.  He cannot support the advance of radical Islam while calling Israel our friend.

++Prime Minister Netanyahu will not be cowed by Israel’s critics.

On Sunday, Prime Minister Netanyahu condemned the U.N. vote, telling his cabinet…

“We will carry on building in Jerusalem and in all the places that are on the map of Israel's strategic interests."

He also announced that Israel was withholding Palestinian tax revenues this month – worth about $100 million.

In a special briefing, Mr. Netanyahu reported…
“The Palestinians want to use the diplomatic process in order to bring about the end of the State of Israel. Going to the UN is part of this. The Palestinian Authority is waging a struggle over the very existence of the State of Israel. While we are prepared to recognize them, they deny our existence. We would have long since reached a solution if they had wanted it.”

++We MUST stand with Israel!

In light of these recent events, I am now planning to send our Open Letter of Support, which includes your name, to Prime Minister Netanyahu, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, and seven key American congressional leaders on Wednesday.  

The Bible promises to bless those who bless Israel. I want to be counted among those who do – and I desire for our nation to be counted among the true friends of Israel until the Lord returns.

Please help us spread the word about our letter by sharing this email with your email lists and on your Facebook page.

Also, if you will, prayerfully consider a gift today to help defray the hand-delivered petition costs.

Click here to make a gift:

Watch for forthcoming updates on this unfolding situation – including another initiative to call on Congress to defund the Palestinians.

God bless you and God bless the nation of Israel!

Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. I believe the Obama administration is sending mixed signals to the world concerning the level of our commitment to Israel.

Liberty Counsel’s commitment is unwavering! We will continue to stand united with Israel, acknowledge Israel’s sovereignty, and advocate Jerusalem as Israel’s God-ordained, undivided capital.

Thank you for standing with us!


Submitted by: Donald Hank
“What we are concerned about is Syria’s future. We don’t want the same mistakes to be repeated in the near future. We shall remember how some regimes supported the militants in Libya and how the situation ended with the killing of the American ambassador [in Libya],” Putin said.
Putin also warned Turkey that if Syria's Assad falls, there will be tens of thousands of refugees heading into Turkey.
Notice how the Turks fear a nuclear threat from Syria, which has no nuclear capability. In addition, a Debka file report mentions fears of other nations that Syria may be planning to use deadly sarin gas on its own people -- very far-fetched indeed, since 1) no one can control where the gas would drift to and 2) Assad probably is not stupid enough to draw any more international fire by such a desperate move. This all raises the suspicion that various countries are grasping at straws to manufacture an excuse to invade Syria or send arms.
We desperately need to stay out of any more Middle East conflicts, and Putin's reminder about the murdered ambassador in Libya is an apt warning. Will it suffice?
Don Hank

We are not lawyer of Syrian regime: Putin


Russia is not protecting the government in Syria and is not its advocate, Russian President Vladimir Putin says while acknowledging differences with Turkey over how to achieve to end the crisis

     İpek Yezdani
    Russian President Vladimir Putin said yesterday that Russia and Turkey cannot agree on how to respond to the conflict in Syria, adding that his country is not the advocate of the Bashar al-Assad regime. 


    Congressman Argues For Repeal Of Free Speech

    Dec 02, 2012 01:05 pm

    Most Americans view the guarantee of free speech to be the cornerstone of all other rights contained within our Constitution. Our founders certainly saw the importance, judging only by its placement as the very first of our Bill of Rights. As with so many other traditionally American values, though, leftists seem to be competing against [...]

    Read More and Comment: Congressman Argues For Repeal Of Free Speech


    Video: Obama Felony Fraud Proven

    Dec 02, 2012 01:20 pm

    There is so much proof besides this that Obama should be prosecuted… Related posts: Larry Elder On Obama’s Identity And Felony Document Fraud I still am mystified that good conservatives continue to dismiss… Sheriff Joe: Republican Candidates Hiding From Obama’s Felony Document Fraud Sheriff Joe Arpaio tells WABC’s Aaron Klein about the media…

    Watch the Video and Comment: Video: Obama Felony Fraud Proven


    Bush Tax Cuts Only For The Rich? Really?

    Dec 03, 2012 12:35 pm

    If you are the kind of person who loves (or morbidly hates politics, but can’t get enough of it) then you have probably been following the negotiations between the Progressives (aka Democrats) concerning our “fiscal cliff” situation. You have probably discerned that our illustrious President does not really want to solve the problem in a [...]

    Read More and Comment: Bush Tax Cuts Only For The Rich? Really?


    Unions Extortion To Replenish Money Spent On Obama

    Dec 03, 2012 12:40 pm

    As if California and America have not been damaged enough by greedy unions who don’t give a damn about the rest of us, a small union in the Port of Los Angeles has ground the economy of Southern California to a halt. A strike by a union of about 800 members has effectively closed the port which [...]

    Read More and Comment: Unions Extortion To Replenish Money Spent On Obama


    While the ACLJ just secured the first federal appeals court decision to block President Obama's abortion-pill mandate, we are not stopping our fight.
    We are prepared to fight this all the way to the Supreme Court.
    The ACLJ is involved in multiple challenges to this violation of our religious liberty, in multiple states. We will continue to file amicus briefs as we fight this mandate requiring us to violate our faith.
    Jay Sekulow
    ACLJ Chief Counsel
    P.S. I have some important news. We met and exceeded our November Matching Challenge goal. Thank you


    Republicans 'flabbergasted' by call for more spending as part of fiscal deal

    Read more:

    Republicans say they are "flabbergasted" by the Obama administration's latest proposal for averting a fiscal meltdown -- a plan that they call a "joke" and which has only further divided the two sides with the clock ticking. 
    Rather than offering a round of spending cuts to soothe Republican concerns about the debt, the Obama plan calls for a new wave of stimulus spending on top of $1.6 trillion in tax hikes over the next decade. 
    House Speaker John Boehner told "Fox News Sunday" he was "flabbergasted" when Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner presented the plan in a closed-door meeting last week. The administration doubled down even though Republicans broke with their long-standing no-tax vow and indicated a willingness to close deductions for top earners.
    Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., speaking on CBS' "Face the Nation," called the plan a "joke" and predicted it would bode poorly for the future of talks. 
    "I think we're going over the cliff," Graham said. "It's pretty clear to me they've made a political calculation. This offer doesn't remotely deal with entitlement reform in a way to save Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security from imminent bankruptcy." 
    The unproductive closed-door talks come as both sides now seek support from outside Washington for their positions. Fox News confirms that House Republicans plan to meet with small business owners and governors this coming week. Obama returned to the stump last week to make his case for tax hikes on top earners, and has also turned to his campaign operation to rally the base.


    Submitted by: Donald Hank 

    I hate talking about the race issue because there is only one race: the human race.  Yes, there are different ethnic groups within the human race.  Some have darker skin, others lighter skin.  Some have almond shaped eyes, others have more rounded shaped eyes.  Some ethnic groups are quite tall and others quite short.  But the bottom line is that we are all part of the same human race and need to treat each other accordingly and stop trying to use race as a tool of hatred.


    Dear Conservatives,

    Obama has the chance right now to appoint 68 new federal judges.

    And you can bet the Homosexual Lobby is lining up to make sure they get their share of the best spots.

    You see, the President is responsible for nominating all new federal district and appellate court judges.

    So far 68 openings have piled up -- but it will likely get even higher in the next four years.

    Every single position is a chance for Obama to insert a radical activist into the court system.

    And he is just itching to pay back the Homosexual Lobby for all the help they gave him during his campaign.


    Friends of ALIPAC,

    After intensive review, many of us believe that the current amnesty bill that has been filed by retiring sellout senators Hutchinson and Kyle is a decoy designed to test our responses.

    The amnesty supporters have an orchestrated plan in place. They are not likely to try to pass the amnesty bill in the lame duck session and risk a loss to our side.

    The current amnesty bill filed is likely designed to A. pull our attention away from the states where they are rushing to implement licenses and in-state tuition for illegal aliens and B. to analyze our strategic responses and communications abilities so they canfine tune their major amnesty push coming early in 2013!


    Submitted by: Nathan Huckaby

    Obama has made direct threats against States who FOLLOW THE SUPREME COURT ruling and refuse to establish exchanges.  Any question of whether this man is a tyrant or not should be answered. He is attempting to divide the states and pit citizen against citizen. WILL WE TOLERATE A BULLY?  Will we allow our States to cower and submit?  If we do, we must accept the consequences: Religious Liberty? Freedom of Speech? Right to Redress Your Grievances? Right to Bear Arms? Sovereignty of the States?  There will be NO LIMIT to federal power.  Join us in the vital action.  Do your part to save the Liberty of our children and grandchildren. Support this E-Rally and SPREAD THE WORD!

    Here is how you find your Representative:     
    Here is a list of contact information for your Senators:     
    If you have trouble with that document, you can find your Senator here:   

    To unify and simplify this movement please follow the following suggestions when communicating with your Representative.  We are trying to get our point across as simply and easily as possible.

    RedState Briefing 12/03/2012

    Morning Briefing
    For December 3, 2012

    1. GOP Between A Cliff And A Cave
    Right now we have the best deal we are going to get: real spending cuts against the tax rates going back to the way they were during the Clinton years. The only real issue worth dealing with is indexing the Alternative Minimum Tax for inflation.

    For the past two years they have done little to discomfit the ongoing criminal enterprise centered at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. More effort has been devoted by the Senate leadership to attacking Jim DeMint than to opposing the Obama regime. The White House has taken the measure of our Congressional leadership and found them wanting. Few worse fates can befall a political party than to be neither feared nor respected. That now is the lot of the GOP in Congress. . . . please click here for the rest of the post 


    Submitted by: BobJen
    A FAST and Urgent Top 10 Special Edition for dissatisfied, Pro-USA Americans.
    From:   To: The NationalMiddleClassNetwork & TeaParties...These columns  are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides. So, please keep the feedback coming. Thanks. Also, as many know, we are having IP issues. So, if you've received this NewsMail in error or wish to be removed, please let us know. So far, those so requesting since this inception is virtually zero. Thanks again
    From: Victoria Baer - The Baer Edge
    Sunday ATL Journal Constitution Op-Ed: A real agenda, not a conspiracy theory by Andre Jackson, Editorial Editor  By Field Searcy
          When I read on Page 185 of the March 2011 Cobb County Comprehensive Plan that the county supports the advancement of sustainable development policies as defined by the United Nations Division of Sustainable Development, I could no longer ignore that the U.N. Agenda 21 (A21) policies were real and thriving in America.
          The U.N. policies are detailed in a 300-page document along with the Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide. Sold as protecting the environment, sustainable development policies are more far-reaching than our fields and streams. A21 outlines plans for the control of land use, housing, transportation, food production, consumption patterns, water, energy, education, the role of industry and health care. Sounding familiar? We have been bombarded with these global plans of change.
          Warm and fuzzy words like “comprehensive planning,” “smart growth,” “public-private partnerships” and “outcome-based education” were chosen by central planners to camouflage a desired alternate outcome. As adults, we are familiar with marketers using positive labels to encourage us to act in ways not always in our best interest. These words in the A21 plan were carefully chosen to make us feel better about giving up our sovereign rights. Conversely, negative labeling and hate speech are used when citizens disagree.
          This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. Elected servants in both parties have worked to implement regionalism and public-private partnerships to fundamentally transform America. Economic models endorsing public-private partnerships violate free market principles by benefiting favored corporations, protecting private gains and leaving taxpayers obligated for losses. It proposes a “Communitarian” model of governance that is diametrically opposed to the American way.
          In reality, the U.N. policies include plans to re-engineer human society through regional equity schemes to spread the wealth. Regionalism as a subset of A21 gives appointed regional councils control of vast sums of taxpayer dollars while working unchecked. Once appointed, the taxpayers are unable to remove these councils through elections. It threatens our representative form of government. It violates our one-person, one-vote principle to equal legislative representation.
    The goals of protecting our natural resources are worthy. We can embrace the need to conserve the air, water and land as well as educate our children in a positive way. The real issue is the need for deeper research and honest dialogue into the ultimate goals of U.N. Sustainable Development while preserving the American principles of respect for private property rights, free enterprise and representative government. We need to root out who really benefits from the sweeping changes, as it is not the American people. It is no accident citizens across the U.S., including Georgians, are rejecting U.N. Agenda 21 policies.
          Field Searcy, of Cobb County, led a presentation on regionalism and Agenda 21 for Georgia Senate GOP members last month.   Field Searcy  770-321-6767     Victoria Baer