Old Jarhead's Political SitRep for November 13, 2012
Robert A. Hall
Your one-stop-shop for political news and opinion. Please forward to friends who need to be informed. This SitRep (Military for “Situation Report”) is created by many readers who send me items for inclusion, which I would have likely missed or skipped


Send to all contacts; instruct to sign...but getting only 835 by Dec. 10th is a given!!!
24,165 was gotten in 2 days.


Dear Patriot,

Following his surprise resignation last week, former CIA director David Petraeus will NOT testify in closed-door hearings of the Senate and House intelligence committees on Thursday.

While Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) told ABC's "This Week" that he wouldn't rule out the retired four-star general being called to testify "at some point in time," many conservatives are fuming that acting CIA director Michael Morrell will appear before Congressional leaders instead of his former boss. When, and if, Petraeus testifies, he could attempt to exercise his rights under the fifth amendment and refuse to answer questions about the deadly September 11 terrorist attack in Benghazi.

The recent events swirling around the former CIA director has many grassroots Americans wondering if a deepening Libya cover-up is in the works.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told CBS’ “Face the Nation” yesterday, “I don’t see how in the world you can find out what happened in Benghazi before, during and after the attack if General Petraeus doesn’t testify.”

+ + The November 15 hearings are NOT enough!


Tax The Rich
by Lee S Gliddon Jr

We have heard Obama all but screaming, "tax the rich...' This is his mantra and his claimed goal.

What if we took away his argument? What if we proposed, in Congress, not only a plan to tax the rich, but to slam shut the loopholes utilized by those earning incomes above the $250,000.00 level that Obama had\s proposed?

The GOP sets forth the argument that, 'raising taxes on those earning an excess of $250,000.00 would stop small businesses and the earners that create the goods needed by everyone.'

With these thoughts in mind I ask that you consider this plan and, if you want, add ideas of your own for all to consider.

Plan 1. Tax the Rich: Set a tax rate that is imposed on people earning an excess of $250,000.00 that do not WORK for their income. WORK is to be identified as 'gainful employment that is attended on a regularly scheduled basis the is productive and requires no less that 30 hours weekly.


Petition to Presidential Election ReCount


Download the official Twitter app here

Add this comment to your petition:

We have a Federal Election Commission that is 'supposed' to oversee our election processes. If they cannot see to honest elections why are they in existence?

MUTH'S TRUTHS 11/12/2012


I promised to transcribe and report back to you some of the outrageous things new State Senate MINORITY Leader “Moderate Mike” Roberson said on Ralston Reports last Thursday night.  And I believe a promise made is a promise that should be kept.  So here ya go…

Going into last Tuesday’s election, Republicans were in the minority by an 11-10 margin.  Sen. Roberson was put in charge of his caucus’ campaign operations a year ago by former State Senate Minority Leader Mike McGinness.

To gain the majority, Roberson needed to win 4 out of 5 competitive races that were on the ballot this year.  Roberson boldly predicted he’d win all five.

He then proceeded to hand-pick his five candidates – tossing aside in Senate District 18 conservative Assemblyman Richard McArthur, a Tax Pledge signer, in the process.

Instead, Roberson backed moderate Assemblyman Scott Hammond, a moderate Republican and government employee who verbally promised Republicans he wouldn’t raise taxes in 2010 only to go back on his word and vote for the $620 million Sandoval Tax Hike of 2011.


Elections Reflect Degenerative Culture

Nov 12, 2012 12:40 pm

Results from Tuesday’s election were not just disappointing to those of us who love freedom and our founding principles because of who won and who lost, but perhaps more significantly, because of what the outcomes indicate how our culture has changed. Election outcomes provide a snapshot of us as a people and the ever-evolving nature [...]

Read More and Comment: Elections Reflect Degenerative Culture


Video: MSNBC: Whites Against Abortion In Order To Build Up Race

Nov 12, 2012 01:10 pm

MSNBC thinks Whites are against abortion because they want to build up the race. It couldn’t be that conservatives—white, black, brown—or anyone—simply thinks abortion is wrong, could it? Related posts: Obama Administration Proposes Race-Based School Discipline System The Obama White House thinks that schools are providing too… Outraged Herman Cain Cancels MSNBC Interview After ‘Race [...]

Read More and Comment: Video: MSNBC: Whites Against Abortion In Order To Build Up Race


Video: Applebees CEO: Employees On Chopping Block Because Of ObamaCare

Nov 12, 2012 01:15 pm

Applebees CEO will have to cut employees and employee hours because of the massive cost of ObamaCare. Related posts: Breaking–ObamaCare Prompts Top Companies To Consider Dropping Employee Coverage In a stunning revelation Wednesday, several top U.S. corporations are… Obamacare’s America: Post-Election Layoffs The People have spoken, and business has replied. Layoff announcements…

Watch the Video and Comment: Video: Applebees CEO: Employees On Chopping Block Because Of ObamaCare


Video: Petraeus Mistress: Benghazi Cover-up About Secret CIA Prison

Nov 12, 2012 01:30 pm

The alleged mistress of CIA Director David H. Petraeus threw a wrench into the Obama administration machinations with some new information about the Benghazi attack: it was about retribution for the CIA imprisoning Libyan militia members in Benghazi. Related posts: Petraeus Resignation: There Are Several Cover-ups Going On That Obama didn’t know about the security [...]

Read More and Comment: Video: Petraeus Mistress: Benghazi Cover-up About Secret CIA Prison


Harry Reid to Disarm GOP via ‘Filibuster Reform’
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is trying to disarm the GOP minority in the U.S. Senate by “changing the rules.” That’s why you and I must take action and stop him. After the Tuesday Election – where Democrats took a few more seats in the Senate – Mr. Reid said that he wants to curb the GOP’s ability to filibuster. He said, “I think that the rules have been abused and we are going to work to change them … We’re not going to do away with the filibuster but we are going to make the Senate a more meaningful place.” A “more meaningful place”? Far from it! What Reid is planning on doing is setting the rules to favor the majority party over the minority in Congress’ Upper Chamber – in other words, he wants to serve Democrats by silencing Republicans’ opposing views.
Read More

RedState Briefing 11/12/2012

Morning Briefing
For November 12, 2012

1.  No.
For five years I have consistently maintained that Mitt Romney could not be elected President of the United States. The only thing that changed was Barack Obama’s terrible debate performance and I made the unfortunate mistake of going with the herd toward “he can win now.” A year ago — to be precise, November 8th of last year — I wrote that Mitt Romney would be the nominee, conservatism would die, and Barack Obama would win. Regrettably, I told you so.

As I wrote would happen, Mitt Romney tried to blur lines with Barack Obama. He did not defend social conservatism, but let those attacks go unanswered. He did not articulate strong fiscal conservatism and he never repudiated Romneycare, thereby failing to make any credible attacks on Obamacare.

Conservatives and conservative institutions who embraced him early on are now scrambling to make excuses. They were so invested in a failure they cannot bring themselves to admit Mitt Romney and his campaign were failures. Mitt Romney's campaign was, to Republicans, what green energy is to Barack Obama.

Because these conservatives cannot accept that they were wrong, they must conclude that conservatism itself is somehow broken. . . . please click here for the rest of the post 


Submittede by: BobJen
15+MUST READ/scan columns for election-dissatisfied, pro-USA Americans.
From:   To: The NationalMiddleClassNetwork & TeaParties...These columns  are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides. So, please keep the feedback coming. Thanks. Also, as many know, we are having IP issues. So, if you've received this NewsMail in error or wish to be removed, please let us know. So far, those so requesting since this inception is virtually zero. Thanks again

Hey, PAY ATTENTION...Now it's 20 states petitioning for secession. Hello.This is growing every day!  THERE MUST BE A RECOUNT...and ELECTORAL COLLEGE CHALLENGES for the valid Birth Certificate.
Sher Zieve-News and Commentary-In all things, trust God"Thou Shalt have no other gods before me"
From: Carmel Miller
WND EXCLUSIVE...Now many states want to secede from U.S.
Movement started day after election spreading like wildfire...By Drew Zahn 11/12/2012
Since WND first reported that residents in the state of Louisiana were petitioning to secede from the U.S., residents in 19 more states have filed requests with the White House to peaceably break from the union.

Did Voter Fraud Swing The Election?
– Exclusive: Joseph Farah Presents Evidence Of Illegal Voting, Contributions, Intimidation