This is extremely urgent.
The gun haters are making their biggest anti-gun legislative push ever. In all the years I've devoted to fighting the gun grabbers, I've never seen such an enormous campaign.
In fact, as you read this email, gun control groups like the Brady Campaign, the Violence Policy Center and Mayors Against Illegal Guns are joining forces to snuff out your gun rights.
Unless you and I act today, the anti-gun extremists could get away with undermining the Second Amendment.
That's why I need your help. I selected you to be on a special jury to help decide the fate of more than 80 million gun owners in America.
CLICK HERE to receive your electronic JUROR's BALLOT, imprinted with your name for your personal use in officially rendering your verdict. The JUROR BALLOT you fill out will be collected along with others and presented to the Supreme Court at the next gun rights case.
Make your voice heard at the Supreme Court!