Planned Parenthood Is Their Name: Extermination Is Their Game.
Let's not beat around the bush. While Planned Parenthood attempts to sell the American people a bill of goods and claims that it exists predominantly to provide "health care services" to women; the plain and simply truth is that Planned Parenthood exists predominantly to exterminate precious unborn life.
To Planned Parenthood, the extermination of innocents is not just a mission or an avocation... IT'S THEIR BUSINESS. And while some may call what Planned Parenthood does a "business;" we call it a ghoulish practice of gargantuan proportions.
Waving an iPad while questioning an official from the Obama White House, House Oversight and Government Reform committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., said that administration employees could "circumvent" federal law on presidential record-keeping by using such electronic devices to send official emails from private accounts.